Major Achievements
Contribution to generation of
17,888 MWH in renewable power
Contribution to lowering CO2 emissions by22,142tonsEnergy technology and infrastructure business using renewable energy
Establishment of environment for efficient energy use.
The figures include the results of projects that were commenced in the second half of 2019 and ended in 2020 -
Development of
eco-friendly products
and servicesSF6-Free GIS development
Development of shaft generator for EMG-type ships
Development of ESS electrical system engineering technology
Pre-Issuance Assurance of
ESG bond
management systemAcquired pre-certification for first green bond issue
Laying the foundation for securing financial resources for the development of eco-friendly products
63green patents
green patents account for 9.5% of the total (63 out of 664 patents)
Contribution to generation of
Operationof Quality management system
ISO 9001 certification and renewal
Quality management index management
Strengthening quality verification and working towards improvement
Approx. KRW770million
10programsCaring for disadvantaged groups, co-prosperity with local communities, and social contribution activities for future generations to become self-reliant
100% ESG training for executives and department heads
ESG training for all executives and department heads to reinforce their understanding of ESG
Operation of
financial support programs for business partnersoperation of a financial support program combining the ‘Shared Growth Guarantee (KRW 19.5 billion)’ and the ‘Shared Growth Fund (KRW 20 billion)’
Operationof Quality management system
Establishmentof ESG Committee
Establishment of ESG committee and dedicated organization under the BOD
Integrated grade A
in KCGS evaluation2020 Korea Corporate Governance Service Evaluation - Integrated Grade A
100% training for outside directors
Regular training to improve the professionalism of outside directors
Company-wide compliance risk assessment
Conducting risk assessment for all departments in order to understand the content and level of compliance risks
Establishmentof ESG Committee